Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunsets are distracting!

My time in Florida is winding down. I wanted to make just a few more recipes before I left tomorrow, and we had leftovers for dinner, so I thought a perfect snack for after would be brownies!!!

103. Very Quick Brownies - *Afters*

These were indeed very quick to make. I got to use my friend's lovely red KA for this; I almost feel like I'm cheating on my cobalt blue boyfriend, but I'm a baker, does he really expect me to be faithful?!

So, first I started by melting some chocolate and butter together in a pan. I used a combination of 70% cocoa Green & Blacks and milk chocolate.

In the mixer bowl I whisked the eggs and sugar together. To this I added the melted chocolate and then folded in some self-raising flour.

Then, it was just a matter of buttering and flouring the pan (since I didn't have any parchment), and scraping in the mixture. The pan was a bit too big for a brownie pan so I had to do some clever tilting maneuver!

I was fortunate enough to have some kids around to lick the bowls and scraper! Perhaps a bad idea to give them chocolate so late, but I didn't have to tuck them in. Muahhahahahaha.

I set the timer on the oven and put the pan in to bake. The recipe says 20 minutes, but I was planning on checking it after 15 since I knew the mixture would be thin due to the wide pan. And then, this happened...

We sat outside in the gentle breeze, watching the sun go down... It would be my last before my wonderful trip was over. :'( When I came back into the kitchen, there were three minutes left till the brownies were 'done', but I saw that they were far too dry for salvaging. Those who know brownies know that a mere minute makes all the difference; I was walking a tight rope already by using a big pan. Argh, shoulda known better!!

I have to say, though, that my audience loved them!!! They were perfect, they said, with vanilla ice cream. I went a bit overboard with the 'presentation'. Here is the artist at work:

I look a bit demonic with that grin! The things some powdered cocoa would do to a girl!

Voila! The finished product!

Well, all in all, not a bad effort, and as long as the hosts are happy, so am I!

So this is indeed my last night here; I leave tomorrow evening... I have been silly the last few days, and probably laughed and swam more than I have ever in such a short amount of time. The company is great; so is the weather and the cooking. It's really any foodie's dream, but then again, you also gotta have friends like these, and they are so damn special, that would be pretty hard to come by every day. I am lucky!

Good night! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you said such nice things about your hosts, I feel kind of guilty for harassing you about your a-r cocoa presentation!! Dessert was delicioso ;).