Friday, June 09, 2006

June?? What's that??!!

I'm really trying to be positive about this and accept this cold and rainy spell we have had recently here as a welcome start to a usually uncomfortable and humid NYC summer... I'm really trying, but I'm also really sick of this rain!

Wednesday night I came home with my sneakers squeaking because of the rain. The wind was
blowing hard outside, and I was in desperate need of some comfort food. There are three camps of comfort food for me, not including chocolate, which deserves its own sub-category; risotto/pasta, soup, and eggs. So last night I dipped into the Toast chapter for yet another wonderfully comforting CL omelette dish.

76. Portugese Omelette - *Toast*

The portugese omelette is very different than its eastern cousin, la tortilla espaƱola. It doesn't contain any potatoes, and the main thing is it's hardly Portugese. It's actually more of a
Sri-Lanka dish, but it is so named, Tom believes, because the omelette contains chillies, and the Portugese were the first to bring chillies to Asia. In addition to chillies, this omelette has a lot more lovely things in it.

To start the omelette, I deseeded and chopped finely a couple of tomatoes. (I increased the quantity of ingredients since I was making this for three -- hubby eats for two.) I then chopped up a red onion and a couple of garlic cloves. I added this to the tomatoes plus a little
bit of chilli flakes.

To the vegetables I added a couple of tablespoons of milk, and then I folded the eggs in being careful not to beat them, but just enough to break them up a bit. Finally, I seasoned it with a tiny bit of salt. I heated the frying pan with a little bit of olive oil in it, and then poured in the omelette mix.

At this point I followed the Basic Omelette recipe, and let the omelette 'dance' on a high heat, before lowering it a bit and letting it set.

Since the mixture I had contained six eggs, the bottom was browning far more quickly than the top was setting. I had to think fast, so decided to let it set in the oven on the grill setting. Thankfully, it worked out well, but next time I think I will just stick to making the recommended servings.

I put the omelette on some ciabatta and sprinkled on some parsley... it was fantastic!! The omelette had a bit of heat but not too much and it warmed me up right away. Perfect fare for a winter's (ahem), cold summer's day!

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