Sunday, April 02, 2006

Snap out of it!!!!

This memorable line was screamed by Cher in Moonstruck when she gave Nicholas Cage a good slap. (I had the same inclination after seeing It Could Happen To You, by the way). This fabulous movie that gave Cher the Oscar, and consequentially made her wear the most ridiculous 'dress' on the face of this earth, also included a dish that Tom N-D fell in love with shortly after seeing it for the first time. Cher's mother in the movie, Olympia Dukakis, cooks her daughter eggs fried in a slice of bread with some roasted red peppers. Tom adapts this recipe, Volcano Eggs, for his Toast chapter.

1. Volcano Eggs -- *Toast*

These eggs, so named I presume since the family in Moonstruck is Italian and the red peppers evoke a 'Vesuvian' feel to the dish, have been called many things by many families. I have always called them Eggs in a Window... though I've heard them referred to by many names.

Tom's method of making the eggs is slightly different to what I'm used to, but not any more difficult! A hole is made in a slice of good quality bread with either a scone cutter or the rim of an egg cup. I used the latter. Then, the slices of bread are fried on a pan with a tablespoon each of butter and olive oil for a couple of minutes. The bread slices are turned over and the eggs are broken directly over the hole and fried to the eater's liking.

They are then served with roasted peppers, for which Tom also includes a recipe, but he indicates they are just as good with the already prepared Spanish roasted peppers in oil. I live with a Spaniard so how could I not already have them in the fridge!! That is what I used.

This was exactly what I needed for a fast and satisfying lunch. I had brunch at my sister's, but I find that whenever I have lots of carbs in the morning, I feel weak and hungry soon after. I needed to get myself home and have some protein!

The roasted red peppers were a nice addition. In the movie, I believe Loretta's mom served the peppers on top, but Tom suggests to serve nearby -- or at least that is what the picture in CL shows. I think on the side is perfect for me since I am not the biggest roasted pepper fan; it wasn't too intrusive.

I liked Tom's method for these eggs as the bread becomes nice and crunchy and a perfect accompaniment to the yummy eggs!

I'm the type that could have 'breakfast' food any time of day so I think I will enjoy the Toast chapter.


Sarah said...

Hey Ilana,

They look great! I used to make that egg dish for my parents all the time. But instead of calling them "Volcano Eggs", my dad named them "the bread with the hole with the egg in the middle"... lol!

xox Sarah

Anonymous said...

I remember us calling them "birds' nests," but my boys call them "eggy-toast." and it is always a welcome weekend breakfast! i actually pop the bread in the toaster first, then proceed as you say. mmmmm.