Friday, May 12, 2006

my cup runneth over...

I came home tonight after spending a fabulous time with my friend, Rosie, up in Harlem (and eating the dodgiest Mexican food ever!), to find a lovely package waiting for me at home. My gorgeous friend, Vi, has sent me Tom's first book, Just like mother used to make. I was so excited to see 'how it all started', so to speak... A quick glance at the book revealed how fantastic it is -- so many lovely recipes, and I love the action shots and photographs too! I really think this is another contender for a blog.. Now I don't want to sound like I'm getting ahead of myself, because I haven't even begun to really demolish Cupboard Love, and speaking of which, I better get my ass moving as time is ticking, but I think I could definitely cook loads out of this book... Maybe I won't do a timeframe thing, and maybe I won't cook every recipe... there's a recipe in there for something very very British, and thus very very frightening to a meak Yank such as myself. It starts with a 'K' and ends in an 'R', and rhymes with slipper!! Uh huh, ya know what I'm talking about. No can do! Sorry Tom, if you're reading!
So I thought I'd post a little note into the infinite space of the Internet to say that hope and love and friendship is not dead -- so there, cynics! It is everywhere and it is all around us. A year ago Vi and I did not know each other. Today I receive this beautiful book from her... Quite funny that I should get this now, as it is Mother's Day on Sunday, and the book is about what mothers, at least in the UK, often cook, and how I was planning on making Vi's mother's oatmeal cookies for my mother on Sunday, and that now I'm simultaneously writing to my mom over messenger (in transliterated Russian, I should mention!).

Fira (my mom) says:
shura skazala chto budem delat sanday?
(Translation: Shura (that's my sis!) told you what we're doing on Sunday?)

ilana says:
ana skazala shto paydzom v'diner
(Translation: She said we're going to the diner.)

Fira says:
da xorosho ya soglasna
(Translation: Yes, good, I'm OK with that.)

ilana says:
ya tozhe
(Translation: Me too.)

So thanks to Vi... and thanks to all of you for reading my tired musings.. It's been a long week!

Cheers! xoxo

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